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Oatmeal: A Great Ally for Health

Oatmeal is now nearly as widespread as wheat, barley, or corn. They are all grains necessary as a source of energy due to their complex carbohydrate content, but there are differences among them. The protein content of grains varies, with oatmeal being one of the most abundant. And what about fiber? It is primarily found in the grain’s husk, and oat fiber is particularly beneficial to the body. If you have any doubts, we’ll explain it to you in detail!

What is oatmeal?

It is a cereal grain of Nordic origin, very similar in appearance to wheat. It has a delicate flavor and is available in various forms such as flakes, flour, or oat bran, which is the grain’s husk and contains most of the fiber. Oatmeal is a great ally due to its versatility and nutritional properties. These qualities make it very appetizing for all types of recipes, both sweet and savory.

Gluten and oatmeal

Although it is naturally gluten-free, the proximity of cereal crops often leads to cross-contamination. This can result in oatmeal containing traces of gluten, i.e., minimal amounts of this protein. This is only a problem for individuals diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance, who should look for certified gluten-free oats.

How do we take care of our health?

Oat grains are one of the most nutritionally complete cereals. They belong to the group of foods that contain slow-digesting carbohydrates, providing us with energy gradually. Oatmeal has some peculiarities that make its daily consumption desirable.

Nutritional benefits of oatmeal

In addition to complex carbohydrates, it is one of the grains with the highest protein content. It stands out for its dietary fiber and beta-glucan content. In sufficient amounts, beta-glucan contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. It has also been shown that consuming oat beta-glucans during meals reduces the glycemic index after eating, avoiding spikes and drops in blood sugar levels.

It is the preferred cereal for athletes as it can be prepared in various ways to be consumed before exercise or as a post-workout recovery meal. It provides the necessary proteins and carbohydrates while being low in fat.

And one last special feature! Oat fiber is particularly useful for improving intestinal transit, contributing to well-being during the final stage of digestion.

Oatmeal is also a source of essential micronutrients such as folic acid and other B-group vitamins in small amounts, as well as minerals like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Ideas to include oatmeal in your meals

To enjoy all the aforementioned benefits, you should include oatmeal as another cereal in your pantry. You will find it in various formats, so make sure it is whole grain to preserve all its fiber. Here are some ideas:

  • Oatmeal for lunch
    Oatmeal porridge has been trending for a while. It is a simple preparation that involves boiling oatmeal flakes with milk or a plant-based beverage for 15-20 minutes. The consistency should be creamy according to your preference. You can consume it as a cereal for lunch or as a mid-morning snack. Adding freshly cut fruit pieces and nuts or dried fruits will provide vitamins, antioxidants, and unsaturated fats or healthy fats for the heart.
  • In homemade batter and veggie burgers
    Oatmeal flakes can help bind ingredients in many preparations. They are an alternative for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance who cannot consume breadcrumbs or wheat flour in croquettes or veggie burgers. Their recipes likely require an ingredient that gives them texture, and that can be oat flour! Provided it is certified gluten-free, of course.
  • In bread and toast
    Cereals are the essentialingredient in bread. Flour, obtained from grinding cereal grains, is the main component of bread. A quality flour (or a blend of flours) will be crucial! But another advantage of bread is that we consume it frequently, making it a good option to include foods that we want to promote in our diet, such as oatmeal flakes. Try this irresistible spelt, oat, and flaxseed bread: it will be crispy and satisfying, and the flaxseeds will add a small dose of healthy unsaturated fats.
  • As a yogurt topping
    Does the combination of dairy, cereal, and fruit sound familiar? These three food groups can make up a complete meal. Pre-hydrated oat flakes or unsweetened puffed oats are a great way to get a serving of healthy carbohydrates along with yogurt and freshly cut fruit pieces. You can crumble some dark chocolate if you want to treat yourself!
  • Healthy baking
    Oat flakes and oat flour can be used to prepare nutritious and energizing bars or cookies. Get inspired by our oat, buckwheat, and spelt cookies! They are ideal to accompany a tea or coffee in the afternoon, avoiding arriving too hungry at dinner time.

As you can see, there are many ways to include oatmeal in your meal plan, and the nutritional benefits you will enjoy are worth trying! Which option will you try first?

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