Types of Bread Around the World
3 July 2023
Cereals are a staple food consumed worldwide, and bread is derived from them. Bread can be found in every corner of the world, but the same type of bread is not consumed everywhere. From th…
A Sweet Journey into the World of Flavors at Dalle Molle Artisan Bakery
30 June 2023
In our Artisan Bakery in Malo – Vicenza, our passion for culinary tradition doesn’t stop at artisanal bread. We are proud to offer an extraordinary selection of sweets that will…
The Fascinating History of the French Baguette
28 June 2023
The French baguette, with its golden and crispy crust and soft, fragrant crumb, is a true symbol of French culinary tradition. But what is the story behind this delicious bread? In this art…
The Artisan Bakery Dalle Molle in Malo – Vicenza
20 June 2023
Welcome to Malo, in the heart of the province of Vicenza, where the art of baking comes to life in our Artisan Bakery. We are a forge of authentic flavors and aromas, where artisanal bread…
Does bread make you gain weight? And other myths about bread…
14 June 2023
Bread is a fundamental food in the Mediterranean diet. It is found in every household and is a staple on the table for most families. Perhaps because it is such a popular product, some myth…
What is sourdough?
31 May 2023
What do you know about sourdough? We asked Giovanni Dalle Molle, an expert baker who has spent his entire life exploring dough fermentation, to tell us about sourdough and its benefits. He…
Oatmeal: A Great Ally for Health
8 May 2023
Oatmeal is now nearly as widespread as wheat, barley, or corn. They are all grains necessary as a source of energy due to their complex carbohydrate content, but there are differences among…